Wednesday 28 September 2011

Buggy board on a phil and teds sport buggy

Not my usual posts but thought this might be a worthwhile thing for some mums and fellow child carers, I recently bought a new baby jogger city select and needed a buggy board, I had tried many site for their own brand and came across loads of problems with delivery of them from manufacturer, so I asked on a facebook group called pushchair trader, and they pointed me in the direction of the bumprider they were selling alongside a full review of the product, it came and has to be the quickest and easiest to fit buggy board I have ever used.

Now for the exciting bit, I upgraded my pram because I could not get a board to fit my P&T, so whilst with my friend we were chatting about the board and when looking at it thought it might fit the P%T, so we tried it and YES YES YES it fits, WITH the doubles kit on and a 3 year old on the back, the breke works fine if you lift the board up a bit before applying, the child had enough room to stand comfortably and he could hold onto the second seat or the side of the handles :)

You need the typical stance of pushing most buggies with a board attached, you know the one where your bum sticks out but it was pushable and still easy enough to manoeuvre, I am slightly gutted I have just forked out £650 for a new pram and then discovered this but hey hum at least it might help someone :)

A huge thankyou to Pushchair Trader for their quick posting and fab review of the product, it is a nice easy to use buggy board and fits the P&T :)

Friday 23 September 2011